


Depression services offered in Valdosta, GA

Depression steals the light and happiness from your life and replaces it with misery and hopelessness. If you’ve been struggling to face each day because of unrelenting negative emotions like these, Aderemi Dosunmu, MD, and his colleagues at V Psychiatry in Valdosta, Georgia, can help. They have extensive experience in helping people with depressive disorders regain the joy they feared they’d lost forever. Call V Psychiatry to schedule a consultation or book an in-person or telemedicine appointment online today. 

What are the symptoms of depression?

Depression symptoms can vary between patients but are likely to include:

  • Constant low mood
  • Appetite changes
  • Loss of energy
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Slowed movements
  • Feeling worthless or guilty
  • Difficulty thinking
  • Problems concentrating

The pattern your depression takes could be very different from someone else’s. For instance, you might stop eating or fail to have an appetite while others start comfort eating. Some people develop insomnia, while others find it a struggle to wake up and sleep for long periods.

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms like these for more than two weeks, you could have depression. Severe depression causes social withdrawal and thoughts of suicide.

What causes depression?

The precise cause of depression isn’t easy to pin down, and there could be several factors at work. An imbalance of the neurotransmitters in your brain, including dopamine and serotonin, is a leading cause of depression in many cases. There could also be a genetic link, so you might be more likely to develop depression if there’s a history of it in your family.

Problems like low self-esteem or chronic stress can make you more vulnerable to depression. The events and experiences that shape your life can also be triggers for depression, for example:

  • Violence
  • Abuse
  • Grief and loss
  • Chronic stress
  • Neglect
  • Trauma
  • Poverty
  • Chronic ill health

Depression is a common condition and one some people still find hard to talk about. Opening up about the way you feel in V Psychiatry’s safe environment is, however, the best way to get the help you need.

How is depression treated?

There are two primary depression treatments:


Medication can help by resolving imbalances in your brain chemistry. Antidepressant medication comes in various forms, which all act on your brain in different ways. You might have to try several drugs before finding the one that works best for you.

Fortunately, V Psychiatry has considerable expertise in psychopharmacology, making it more likely you’ll find the optimal medication quickly and benefit from medication management.


Talking therapy is an invaluable treatment approach for depression. At V Psychiatry, you can benefit from proven strategies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Your provider recommends the type of therapy most suited to your needs and how your mind approaches problem-solving.

Lifestyle changes and complementary treatments can also be helpful as part of an integrative approach to depression treatment.

If you have symptoms of depression or have been battling it and need help, don’t withdraw and suffer alone. Call V Psychiatry or book an in-person or telemedicine appointment online today.